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Privacy Policy.
  1. The information as supplied by users through this website will be sent to all relevant service providers associated with each service, but will under no circumstances be redistributed or sold by AskDonkey to any other entity not related to AskDonkey.

  2. AskDonkey will not be held responsible if personal details are redistributed / sold by any of the service providers associated with this website. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions applicable to service providers below.

terms of use & privacy policy

Terms of Use.
  1. AskDonkey distributes leads created from this website by users / prospective clients to furniture moving companies / businesses.

  2. In turn the moving companies / businesses are to provide the user / prospective client with quotations as requested by the user through this service.

  3. AskDonkey will not be held responsible for services or materials rendered by any service provider associated with this website to users resulting from this interaction.

  4. AskDonkey will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused through using these service providers, even though AskDonkey introduced the said parties.

  5. The service providers appointed by AskDonkey undertake to respond to all requests within a reasonable time. The advised response time is 24 hours. AskDonkey cannot be held responsible for delayed responses.

  6. AskDonkey reserves the right to screen and appoint all of its partners / service providers / moving companies.

  7. AskDonkey reserves the right to terminate the services of any service provider listed on AskDonkey if the company / business brings the good name and reputation of AskDonkey into disrepute.

  8. AskDonkey reserves the right to update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notification.

Once you have read this page, you automatically agree to the policies laid out herein. If you do not agree with these policies, it is adviced that you do not use this site.

Terms & Conditions applicable to Moving Companies on AskDonkey.
  1. The moving companies / businesses appointed by AskDonkey undertake to respond to all requests within a reasonable time. The advised response time is 24 hours.

  2. AskDonkey reserves the right to terminate the services of a service provider listed on the website if the company brings the good name and reputation of AskDonkey into disrepute.

  3. Under no circumstances are any business / service provider listed on AskDonkey permitted to redistribute or resell any leads received through this website to any third party not associated with AskDonkey.

  4. Our Terms of Use as published on the website stipulates that details provided by clients on the website are protected and will not be distributed to any party not related to the website AskDonkey.

  5. Should any business / service provider be suspected of redistributing / reselling any leads as distributed by AskDonkey, the said company / business will be removed from AskDonkey with immediate effect.

  6. AskDonkey reserves the right to screen and approve all of its partners / service providers.

  7. AskDonkey reserves the right to update these terms and conditions at any time without prior written notification.

  8. To prevent your email program from reading incoming emails from AskDonkey as SPAM, ensure that you save our email addresses to your address book and add the domains & to your list of safe domains. We will not refund leads that are not received or rejected due to email / security settings.

AskDonkey aims to introduce furniture moving companies in South Africa to prospective clients (individuals or businesses) in need of furniture moving services.


This service to free and with no obligation.

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